Writing talk December 12!

I’m very excited to share a wonderful upcoming event. In a couple of weeks, on Monday December 12, at 5 pm EST, I’ll be giving a Zoom talk with my friend and colleague Dr. Julia Lee Barclay-Morton. Julia and I have both recently had books published: her hybrid collection The Mortality Shot is her first, and Fourteen Stones is my second.

Our books are very different, but Julia and I have a lot in common. Both of us came to writing “sideways,” as we call it, from other fields. We’ve gone at it in non-traditional ways; neither of us has an MFA, and we both work with indie presses and have found unique paths to publication. We’ve engaged a lot with questions and challenges relating to mental health. As middle-aged women, we’ve found ourselves navigating that tricky period in midlife where the sense of self can shift, and we run up against a real sense of our own mortality (Covid of course contributed to that a lot).

In our talk, we’ll share readings from our books, and talk about our experiences of the writing life and how our work as writers has been shaped by the other circumstances we have in common. As the publishing world continues to change, growing in some ways and contracting in others (especially with respect to traditional “big press” publishing), we think it’s important to highlight the many ways one can build a writing life, and emphasize the idea that there’s no single “right way.”

Because of that, we’re calling our talk “How Not to Get There Directly.” We think there’s a lot to be said for the roundabout, adventurous kind of path that lets you see a lot of the world. We hope you’ll join us on Zoom on Monday 12/12 at 5 pm EST!

Registration is free but required. To sign up, please click here. When you come, please also bring any questions you have; we’ll have an open-ended Q & A period at the end of the session. See you then!

Update! Bookish Stuff

The blog has been quiet for the past couple of weeks…life… 😉 But I’m excited to share two upcoming Fourteen Stones events with you.

The paperbacks are printed! My publisher will be sending out the preordered copies and other crowdfunder rewards soon. (I can’t wait to get my hands on my box of books. There will be cheering and dancing around.)

Printer’s proof. My publisher sent me this pic. I want to hug it.

Meanwhile, for my local Baltimore folks: tomorrow, Wednesday 11/9, I’ll be giving a mini-writing workshop and a reading from Fourteen Stones at the Cockeysville branch of the Baltimore County Public Library. Join us at 7 pm EST for a great evening! Each attendee will also receive a free excerpt from Fourteen Stones, and there’ll be information on how to order copies for folks who are interested.

Boxes of books ready to head into the world…

My joint Zoom event with writing colleague and friend Julia Lee Barclay-Morton has been postponed due to general busyness, but we’re very excited to talk books, publishing, and the writing life in general on Monday, December 12, at 5 pm EST. Please join us for readings from her brilliant hybrid collection The Mortality Shot and from Fourteen Stones, and for conversation about our unorthodox paths as writers, how we’ve navigated midlife career shifts, and how we’ve found our indie-publishing homes. Q&A will follow the discussion. Please register at this link.

Coming soon!!

As my book heads into the world, I am so excited for the story that was such a huge part of my life and imagination to take wing and take on a life of its own. Please stay tuned for more Fourteen Stones updates and events, and consider subscribing to the blog if you haven’t yet. As always, thank you for visiting!