Maker’s Day 14

A little late, but here! Next week we’ll get back to our regular Wednesday schedule.

Our prompt for this week is a photo. What does this scenery inspire or evoke for you?

If you’d like, please feel free to share thoughts and responses to the prompt in the comments. On Facebook, I’ve started a “Maker’s Day Sharing Group” where we can talk about the prompts and support each other’s creativity. New members are always welcome!

Also, if you’d like additional food for creativity, check out my online Writing with Musical Inspiration class, offered in partnership with Tiferet Journal. This is a fun and unique six-session class that uses music as a springboard to make art and talk about writing craft. The next session starts this coming Monday, 9/12. We still have a few spaces available! More info and registration here.

You can find all the Maker’s Day prompts together here. If you’d like to receive the prompts weekly, please consider subscribing to the blog. Thanks for visiting!

New Classes Coming Soon!

Today’s post is a quick “preview of coming attractions.” I have two new online classes beginning soon: Writing with Musical Inspiration, which starts next Monday, 9/12, and Introduction to Classical Music, which starts on Monday 10/3. If you’d like to check out one or both, I’d love to see you there!

1. Writing with Musical Inspiration

This class meets on six consecutive Mondays, 2-3:30 pm EST, on Zoom, beginning 9/12 and ending Monday 10/17. We start each session by free-writing to a piece of music, and then use music as a springboard to talk about particular elements of writing craft: capturing people/personalities in writing, evoking setting, sharing a specific experience, and more. Every week features different pieces of music and a new writing prompt. Sharing of work for feedback from me, and/or the group, is always welcome and always optional.

For a quick sample, listen to this piece of music, by English Renaissance composer William Byrd, and write about whatever it conjures up for you. Each of our classes will begin with an exercise like this.

After you listen and free-write, consider these questions we’ll discuss in the first session of class:

  • When you first meet someone, what do you notice about them?
  • What kinds of details might tell you about the kind of person they are?

We’ll talk about why writing people can be a powerful tool to set your writing apart, and what kinds of tricks will let you draw personalities vividly on the page. That’s just one of the craft elements we’ll cover in the six-week class.

Total cost for the six weeks is $150 per person. To find out more or sign up, click here!

2. Introduction to Classical Music

This eight-week class, for folks who are curious about classical music and would like to learn more, meets on Mondays on Zoom, 10-11:30 am EST, beginning October 3 and ending on November 21.

We’ll explore music from all six major periods of Western history: Medieval, Renaissance, Baroque, Classical, Romantic, and Modern. Composers discussed will include Johann Sebastian Bach, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Ludwig van Beethoven, and many more. We’ll listen to and talk about “greatest hits” and lesser-known pieces, and see how the language of music changed over the centuries, what inspired composers to hold onto tradition, and what inspired them to forge new paths. We’ll also talk about how instruments evolved and how some that we take for granted, including the modern piano, came to be.

Total cost for the eight weeks is $120 per person.

If you have questions or would like to know more, please email me at

To sign up: submit payment of $120 directly to me via PayPal or Venmo (@Kris-Faatz). Include “Intro to Classical Music” as a note.

As always, thank you for visiting the blog. Hope to see you in class!