Unraveled Souls


Like many of us, I’m very concerned about our country’s future, and like many artists, I think a lot about how to use my work to make a positive difference in the world. My short story collection, Unraveled Souls, came out of this thought process.

The collection is available to order  here. Currently, it’s only available as an e-book, so you’ll need a Kindle or device with the Kindle app to read it. It features six of my best and favorite stories, all of which have been published individually in literary journals. Each story focuses, in its own way, on social justice and the importance of building connections between people.

I timed the collection’s release to coincide with acts of resistance and protest going on around the inauguration. While this is my own act of resistance, I also wanted to focus on making it an act of love and giving, helping to bring people together and build a better future. To this end, half of all proceeds from Unraveled Souls will go to 826 National, an organization that supports literacy and creativity for young underserved students.

Thanks so much for supporting my work and for helping to make a difference in the world!